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<h1 class=”title”>9 Incredible Tips For Getting <span class=”biii”></span><span class=”big”><span ></span><span class=”ddsfasf”>Free </span>Hotel Upgrades!</span></h1>
<p class=”text”>Whether you’re a frequent traveller or enjoy one holiday a year, there is one thing that we all secretly wish for from our hotel and that’s a free room upgrade. With peak holiday season on the horizon, millions of people will be researching &amp; booking their perfect trip, ideal hotel and dream location. <br />
<br />
Well for all these people we have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is there’s no exact science to guarantee a free hotel room upgrade, but the good news is there are some sound pointers that you can follow, that’ll dramatically increase your chances of securing that free upgrade you so richly desire. <br />
<br />
So with that in mind, we thought we’d offer you a pre-holiday gift. That’s right we are going to tell you the top 9 tips, that if carried out seamlessly, will see you sitting pretty in your free hotel room upgrade this summer – here they are…</p></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title”>Don’t Make <span class=”pk”>Requests</span> in Advance</h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>If you’re a pernickety traveller, like having certain things in your room or a particular room with a view, this may seriously affect your chances of getting a free upgrade. If you make specific room requests in advance, the hotel are more likely to assign you a specific room. But if you don’t mention anything at all in advance, you’ll probably have a room assigned at the desk when you arrive – that’s the time to try your luck with the free room upgrade.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title”>Choose Your <span class=”prllp”>Timing </span>Carefully</h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>Timing is everything here! If you want to improve your chances dramatically, make sure you stay when the hotel is experiencing a quieter time. So you could travel during off-peak times, in the middle of the week or away from the major holiday seasons. The perfect time to arrive is between 6-7pm, as more rooms are now empty &amp; available, which puts you in an ideal position to ask about an upgrade.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title short”>a <span class=”yllolo”>short </span>stay</h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>If you’re only staying for the night, rather than a two week break, you have a far better chance of enjoying the luxuries of a room upgrade. The hotel may be more inclined to grant you a night in a lap of luxury, as they know you’ll have checked out by 11am the next morning, and they can sell the room at full price again the very next day.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title _3″>be <span class=”navy”>pleasant</span></h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>This is a really obvious one! Just by simply being pleasant, polite, nice, smiling and treating the staff with respect, will make a great first impression. Now don’t go overboard with any cheesy chat-up lines, just stick to the basic pleasantries and you could very well be rewarded with a free room upgrade.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title lo”><span class=”gr”>loyalty</span> is rewarded</h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>Everyone knows that loyalty is rewarded with great perks. So if you’re perhaps a business man, who will be travelling to this destination a lot, the hotel staff may be in a position to pull some <br />
strings to grant you a free room upgrade, to ensure your repeat <br />
business whenever you’re in town. <br />
Or if you’re just holiday guests who fall in love with the place, and plan to come back every year, you’re loyalty may very well be rewarded on your next stay at the hotel.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title _4″>do something in <span class=”pk”>return</span></h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>Since you’re asking the hotel staff to do you a favour, why don’t you repay the favour with one of your own. To improve your chances of getting that free room upgrade, why not tip big at the restaurants, praise the staff if you bump into the hotel manager, recommend the hotel to friends and family or do some positive posts on social media.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title _5″>something or someone <span class=”prllp”>special</span></h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>If you’re staying in the hotel to celebrate your recent wedding anniversary, your honeymoon or perhaps a landmark birthday, it’s definitely worth mentioning subtlety, as staff are more obliging with customers who are there to celebrate. <br />
Alternatively if you enjoy a celebrity status or are someone important in the community (a well-respected doctor, successful businessman, etc), use your importance to unlock the door to a free <br />
room upgrade.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title ln”>speak the <br />
<span class=”yllolo”>language</span></h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>If the hotel is in a foreign country, making the effort to try and speak some of the local language will go down great with the staff at the front desk. Even if you only know ‘hello’ or a few common words, staff will like that you’ve made the effort, and be more inclined to reward you for your language endeavour.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”title ask”>just <span class=”navy”>ask</span></h2></div>
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<p class=”text _1″>You lose nothing by asking, and this principle is definitely relevant when it comes to securing that free upgrade. This is where being as <br />
specific as possible actually comes in handy – faster wi-fi connection, a mini-fridge, a bigger room, a sea view or perhaps a nicer bathroom – these perks are generally always available in the <br />
better suites, and by telling staff exactly what you want, they may <br />
actually be able to accommodate you and your fancy tastes.</p></div></div></div></div>
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<p class=”text bottom”>So there you have it, you’re just a few perfectly crafted steps away from enjoying the luxuries that come from loving life in an upgraded hotel room, that are made even sweeter by the fact you got to enjoy them for free. <br />
<br />
Relaxing on <a class=”link” target=”_blank” href=””>Egyptian cotton bedding</a>, <a class=”link” target=”_blank” href=””>Egyptian cotton sheets</a>, luxurious <a class=”link” target=”_blank” href=””>bedspreads</a> and towelling yourself off with <a class=”link” target=”_blank” href=””>Egyptian cotton towels</a>, <br />
before slipping in to super cosy <a href=”” class=”link” target=”_blank”>bathrobes</a>, just feels so much better knowing you haven’t had to pay any extra money whatsoever for this privilege.</p></div></div></div>