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<h1 class=”hh1″>What is Egyptian Cotton <br />
Percale &amp; Percale Sheets?</h1></div>
<p class=”main-text header”>Some might say that the best feeling in the world is laying down in bed with new sheets! This is certainly not far from the truth. So it’s no wonder that many people are always looking for some high-quality, comfortable sheets. Maybe you have heard of Egyptian Percale sheets?<br />
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<strong class=”bold-text”>But what exactly do you get with this sort of linen?</strong><br />
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<h2 class=”hh2″>What is Egyptian cotton?</h2>
<p class=”main-text mid”>In the past, <a href=”” target=”_blank” class=”link-11″>Egyptian Cotton bed linen</a> has become a synonym for luxurious bedding – and for good reason. Egyptian cotton is usually grown in Egypt and refers to fine, long-stapled and hand-picked cotton that is particularly suited for weaving into high thread count sheets. It has a long life because it is hand-picked, which prevents any damage that can come from machinery. To get the full luxurious experience and extra-soft comfort, pair your bedding with <a href=”” target=”_blank” class=”link-12″>Egyptian cotton towels</a>. The towels are high-quality and super absorbing, so if you add some bath salts, you can get a full spa experience without leaving your bathroom!<br />
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<h2 class=”hh2″>Egyptian percale cotton sheets</h2>
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<p class=”main-text _1″>Percale refers to fabric that is more closely woven in the sheets-making process. Because the process is a bit more detailed, the result is a soft, but strong and solid fabric. When you weave Egyptian cotton this way, you get even more luxurious bedding – Egyptian cotton percale sheets.<br />
Sometimes the manufacturers mix cotton with other fabrics, so you might find bedding that is labelled Egyptian cotton, but which actually has only 20% cotton. The rest is polyester, so you need to read the description well and pay attention to the product you are buying.<br />
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<p class=”main-text mid”><strong class=”bold-text-2″>If you want to sleep like a baby and for your sheets to be flawless, soft, smooth and high-quality, try Egyptian cotton percale sheets. The long-fibre staple and specific weave will ensure a long-lasting material and peaceful, undisturbed sleep.</strong><br />