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<h1 class=”hh1″>Are You Getting<br />
<strong>Enough Sleep?</strong></h1>
<p class=”main-text”>Have you been a little moody lately? Feeling a little down maybe? Drinking your weight in coffee just to make it through the work day? These are just a handful of the warning signs that you may not be getting enough sleep. <br />
</p><img src=”” width=”1038″ srcset=” 500w, 726w” sizes=”(max-width: 991px) 100vw, 726px” alt=”” class=”image-5″ />
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<p class=”main-text _1″><strong class=”bold-text-2″>’According to </strong><a href=”” target=”_blank” class=”link-2″><strong class=”bold-text-2″>GOV.UK</strong></a><strong class=”bold-text-2″> 1 in 3 adults in the UK are affected by insomnia.'</strong><br />
<p class=”main-text bottom”>Here are a few signs that you may not be getting enough sleep and some helpful remedies that can help get you back to your best.<br />
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<h2 class=”hh2″>Signs you’re not getting enough sleep</h2>
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<div class=”column-9 w-col w-col-3 w-col-small-6 w-col-tiny-tiny-stack”>
<h3 class=”hh3″>You feel<br />
<p class=”main-text sub”>Unfortunately, one leads to the other and vice-versa, making this an incredibly difficult cycle to break. Keep tabs on your emotional stability and let yourself take a rest to recuperate.<br />
</p><img src=”” width=”831″ srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”100px” alt=”” class=”image-4 _1″ /><img src=”” width=”328″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 50vw, (max-width: 991px) 25vw, 181.5px” alt=”” class=”image-6″ /></div>
<div class=”column-10 w-col w-col-3 w-col-small-6 w-col-tiny-tiny-stack”>
<h3 class=”hh3″>You can see <br />
it in your eyes</h3>
<p class=”main-text sub”>Redness, dark circles, puffiness and bags are all big signs because your body is lacking the essential tissue repair that happens during the stages of deep sleep.<br />
</p><img src=”” width=”791″ srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”100px” alt=”” class=”image-4 _2″ /><img src=”” width=”328″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 50vw, (max-width: 991px) 25vw, 181.5px” alt=”” class=”image-6″ /></div>
<div class=”column-11 w-col w-col-3 w-col-small-6 w-col-tiny-tiny-stack”>
<h3 class=”hh3″>dependant<br />
on stimulants</h3>
<p class=”main-text sub”>You’re dependant on stimulants like caffeine and sugar to get you through the day.<br />
</p><img src=”” width=”1055″ srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”100px” alt=”” class=”image-4 _3″ /><img src=”” width=”328″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 50vw, (max-width: 991px) 25vw, 181.5px” alt=”” class=”image-6″ /></div>
<div class=”column-12 w-col w-col-3 w-col-small-6 w-col-tiny-tiny-stack”>
<h3 class=”hh3″>You’re<br />
<p class=”main-text sub”>being overly irritable could mean you’re not getting enough sleep. If you find you’re easily irritated from minor things then you should probably take a rest.<br />
</p><img src=”” width=”504″ srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”100px” alt=”” class=”image-4 _4″ /><img src=”” width=”328″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 50vw, (max-width: 991px) 25vw, 181.5px” alt=”” class=”image-6″ /></div></div></div></div>
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<h2 class=”hh2 _2″>What happens when you don’t get enough sleep?</h2>
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<div class=”column-13 w-col w-col-8″><img src=”” width=”804″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 767px) 100vw, (max-width: 991px) 67vw, 484px” alt=”” class=”image-12″ /></div>
<div class=”column-14 w-col w-col-4″>&nbsp;</div></div>
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<div class=”column-16 w-col w-col-4″>&nbsp;</div>
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<div class=”columns-2 w-row”>
<div class=”w-col w-col-2 w-col-small-2″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 17vw, (max-width: 991px) 11vw, 80.66667175292969px” alt=”” class=”image-7″ /></div>
<div class=”column-17 w-col w-col-10 w-col-small-10″>
<div class=”text-block _1″>You’re more susceptible to illness</div></div></div></div></div>
<div class=”w-row”>
<div class=”column-16 w-col w-col-4″>&nbsp;</div>
<div class=”column-15 w-col w-col-8″>
<div class=”columns-3 w-row”>
<div class=”w-col w-col-2 w-col-small-2″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 17vw, (max-width: 991px) 11vw, 80.66667175292969px” alt=”” class=”image-8″ /></div>
<div class=”w-col w-col-10 w-col-small-10″>
<div class=”text-block _2″>Health risks like increased risk of cancer and diabetes</div></div></div></div></div>
<div class=”w-row”>
<div class=”column-16 w-col w-col-4″>&nbsp;</div>
<div class=”column-15 w-col w-col-8″>
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<div class=”w-col w-col-2 w-col-small-2″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 17vw, (max-width: 991px) 11vw, 80.66667175292969px” alt=”” class=”image-9″ /></div>
<div class=”w-col w-col-10 w-col-small-10″>
<div class=”text-block _3″>Decreased sex drive</div></div></div></div></div>
<div class=”w-row”>
<div class=”column-16 w-col w-col-4″>&nbsp;</div>
<div class=”column-15 w-col w-col-8″>
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<div class=”w-col w-col-2 w-col-small-2″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 17vw, (max-width: 991px) 11vw, 80.66667175292969px” alt=”” class=”image-10″ /></div>
<div class=”w-col w-col-10 w-col-small-10″>
<div class=”text-block _4″>Weight gain</div></div></div></div></div>
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<div class=”column-16 w-col w-col-4″>&nbsp;</div>
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<div class=”w-col w-col-2 w-col-small-2″><img src=”” alt=”” class=”image-11″ /></div>
<div class=”w-col w-col-10 w-col-small-10″>
<div class=”text-block _5″>Bad skin</div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
<div class=”div-block-4″>
<h2 class=”hh2 _1″>What happens when you don’t get enough sleep?</h2>
<p class=”main-text”>Most adults need 7-9 hours sleep every night. This is definitely easier said than done but here are a few tips that can help you reach the necessary amount.<br />
<div class=”columns-9 w-row”>
<div class=”column-29 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Stick to a schedule – try to go to sleep and wake up at the same times every day. This will get your body and mind into a rhythm that makes falling asleep and waking up that much easier.<br />
<div class=”column-30 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Develop a pre-sleep routine – Keep to that schedule by developing a bedtime routine of relaxing activities like reading, a bath, or watching tv.<br />
<div class=”column-28 w-col w-col-2″><img src=”” width=”294″ alt=”” class=”image-14″ /></div></div>
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<div class=”column-29 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Avoid napping in the afternoon – many people make naps a regular part of their day but naps in the afternoon can have a negative effect on the amount of night time sleeps you get. If you’re going to nap, make it in the morning.<br />
<div class=”column-30 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Exercise daily – Regular exercise expends energy and makes it easier to fall asleep at night. However, try to finish exercising at least 3 hours before you go to bed so your body and mind aren’t too stimulated come bed time.<br />
<div class=”column-28 w-col w-col-2″><img src=”” width=”294″ alt=”” class=”image-15″ /></div></div>
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<div class=”column-29 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Avoid caffeine four to six hours before bedtime – Caffeine is a stimulant that keeps you awake! Stay away if you plan on sleeping shortly afterwards.<br />
<div class=”column-30 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Avoid drinking within 3 hours before bed time – While alcohol can help with falling asleep initially, after a few hours it acts as a stimulant. This limits the quality of sleep you’re getting and prevents you from reaching those states of deep sleep where most of your body recovery time occurs.<br />
<div class=”column-28 w-col w-col-2″><img src=”” width=”294″ alt=”” class=”image-16″ /></div></div>
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<div class=”column-29 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Don’t go to sleep before you’re truly tired – If you’re not asleep after 20-30 minutes, don’t just continue to lie there and hope form the best. Get out of bed and do something relaxing in another room for a bit. When you start to feel sleepy, go back to bed.<br />
<div class=”column-30 w-col w-col-5″><img src=”” srcset=” 500w, 600w” sizes=”80px” alt=”” class=”image-13″ />
<p class=”main-text sub _2″>Invest in a good mattress. It’s no surprise that great beds make a great sleep. There are a number of factors that go into a great bed but if you can afford it, treat yourself to luxury bedding options such as <a href=”” target=”_blank” class=”link-3″>Egyptian cotton bedlinen</a> and don’t be afraid to splurge on <a href=”” target=”_blank” class=”link-5″>cotton pillows</a> and <a href=”” target=”_blank” class=”link-4″>cotton throws</a>. A little bit of luxury goes a long way.<br />
<div class=”column-28 w-col w-col-2″><img src=”” width=”294″ alt=”” class=”image-17″ /></div></div>
<p class=”main-text”><strong>Remember,</strong> good nights are not a given and being sleep-deprived is not just a matter of feeling tired. It can become a serious problem and should be addressed accordingly. If you’re not getting enough sleep, take whatever measures are necessary to get back on track, rest easy and be the best you can be.<br />